BS1 [演出] Asia Insight
高齢者の自殺を防げ ~韓国~

NHK BS1 2017.01.23 14:00 – 14:28 (28分)



NHK World [演出] Asia Insight
Preventing Elderly Suicide – South Korea –

NHK World 2017.01.06

Suicide in South Korea is a serious and widespread problem with the country having the highest suicide rate for an OECD member state. One in three persons who commit suicide are over the age of 65. Most of these elderly individuals have no job and live separately from their families. The Seongbuk district in Seoul has been taking a progressive approach to work on elderly suicide prevention since 2010. In this episode, we take a look at how the local government office and resident volunteers are working together to save lives.

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