NHK World [プロデュース・演出] No More Plastic: In Search of a Sustainable Future

Part 1: Clearing Plastic from the Ocean
NHK World 2019.12.21(土) 10:10 – 11:00 / 16:10 – 17:00 / 22:10 – 23:00 / 28:10 – 29:00

Plastic pollution litters the world’s oceans. It’s damaging marine wildlife and ecosystems. A war on plastic is breaking out. In part 1 of this 2-part series, we meet Dutch young pioneer Boyan Slat’s team working to clear plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They have developed a system based on a 600-meter long floating tube. We also look at how microplastics affect living creatures and explore a shocking study that shows how plastic is contributing to rising levels of greenhouse gases.

Part 2: Frontlines of Global Business
NHK World 2019.12.28(土) 10:10 – 11:00 / 16:10 – 17:00 / 22:10 – 23:00 / 28:10 – 29:00

Plastic pollution litters the world’s oceans. The move away from the use of plastic is currently gaining steam around the globe. In part 2 of this series, we look at business trends leading us away from a world of plastic and towards circular economies. One example is a Japanese startup hoping to sell its proprietary recycling technology abroad. And also we look at disposable plastics regulation strategies in France and New York City. Can we find ways to leave our plastic civilization behind?

BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
大水害 メガシティを襲う洪水・高潮の脅威2019

NHK BS1 2019.12.19 20:00 – 21:49 (109分)



BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
“脱プラスチック”への挑戦 ~持続可能な地球をめざして~

NHK BS1 2019.04.12 22:00 – 23:50 (99分)


【出演】トーマス・フリードマン,ヨハン・ロックストローム 【語り】窪田等

BS1 [プロデュース・演出] BS1スペシャル
国際共同制作 大洪水 メガシティを襲う高潮・洪水の脅威

NHK BS1 2015.12.05 19:00 – 20:49 (99分)



【ナビゲーター】井田 寛子(気象予報士)
【出演】小長井 一男(横浜国立大学 教授), 柴山 知也 (早稲田大学 教授)
【語り】窪田 等